Jelena Jovičić-Petrović associate professor at the Department of Environmental Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. She was born in 1983. in Valjevo, graduated in 2007 and received her doctorate in 2014. at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade with an average grade of 10 at all levels of study. He deals with plant-microbial interactions and the application of microorganisms in sustainable agriculture. He is a lecturer in several subjects within the narrow field of Environmental Microbiology at undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies. He is the mentor of eight defended master's theses and three doctoral dissertations, the preparation of which is in progress, the author of one textbook, two practicums, three technical solutions and several scientific works published in magazines and anthologies of international and national importance. She participated in four international and seven national projects, among which, in addition to scientific projects, there are also projects in the field of education, as well as innovation projects of cooperation with the economy. He is a member of the Association of Microbiologists of Serbia and the Serbian Society for Soil Studies. She is a mother of two children, and in her free time, she is an activist in the field of environmental protection.