In accordance with the established principles, the activities of the network are aimed at:
- Monitoring and supervising the transparency of the actions of competent bodies that implement academic policies and programs (ministry, university, faculties and institutes);
- Support for individuals, groups or academic institutions that are exposed to pressures that threaten university autonomy and academic freedom, as well as those that are exposed to discriminatory actions within academic institutions.
- Preparing and advocating proposals for documents or policies aimed at improving the conditions for smooth and high-quality academic work;
- Preparation and coordination of participation in public debates during which legal regulations and strategic documents of public policies in the field of education, science and art are adopted, as well as in other areas where it is necessary to hear the voice of science and the profession;
- Initiation and coordination of expert discussions on broader social problems that are relevant to the state and society of Serbia, in order to offer well-founded analyzes and recommendations.