He received his doctorate in the psychology of perception at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. He works as an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica, and also worked at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Culture and at the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation in Belgrade. He is an associate of the Experimental Psychology Laboratory of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, the Institute of Psychology in Belgrade, the Institute for Pedagogical Research in Belgrade, the Institute for Mental Health in Belgrade and the Petnica Research Station. He participated in a number of domestic and international projects: Basic cognitive processes and functions, PISA - Program for International Student Assessment, TIMSS - Trends in Mathematics and Science Study, IEA, Fundamental cognitive processes and functions, Tempus project Education policy master program, Supporting University Students At Risk of Dropping Out, Adverse Childhood Experiences Serbia, Research on child disciplining at home. He is also involved in the popularization of science through the organization of the Science Festival and the writing of scientifically popular articles. The main areas of interest and research are the psychology of perception, experimental aesthetics, educational evaluation, statistics and scientific research methodology. He wrote 3 chapters in monographs, 2 textbooks, edited 9 publications, published 45 papers in national and international journals, attended 3 plenary lectures and presented 143 papers at scientific meetings in the country and abroad.