The Network of Academic Solidarity and Engagement (MASA) refers public call for an analysis of the norms and practices of accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs in the Republic of Serbia. It is necessary for the analysis to include regulations related to the standards and accreditation procedure of higher education institutions and study processes, existing analyzes and recommendations, and informative discussions with representatives of the National Accreditation Body and users of accreditation (faculties), in order to gain a complete insight into the shortcomings of the accreditation process .
The aforementioned analysis should serve as a basis for understanding the problems in the accreditation process in the Republic of Serbia, primarily the impossibility of ensuring the independence of accreditation decisions by the National Body for Accreditation and Quality Control in Higher Education of Serbia (NAT), which is why this body recently lost the status of a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
The invitation is intended primarily young researchers and doctoral students who can help us in formulating recommendations for the adequate organization of the accreditation process, but other researchers can also respond to the invitation. The total budget for this activity is 50,000 RSD gross.
Send applications exclusively electronically, until May 5, 2020, to the email address:
The application should contain:
- Outline of the content of the study with a proposal of stages in the work and a proposal of methodology
- A short biography with relevant information for the execution of this job
All additional information can be obtained through the address The scope of the analysis should not exceed 7,000 words.
The deadline for creating the final version of the analysis is June 30, 2020.