The MASA initiative for the correction of the regulations of the Faculty of Medicine on the conditions for the selection of assistants

The Network of Academic Solidarity and Engagement (MASA) received a complaint against the 2022 MoF Rulebook related to: "Conditions for selection to the position of assistant Article 17."
and items 4) and 5) within that article for the statement: "who completed the appropriate health specialization with an excellent grade on the specialist exam".

We believe that the teaching profession, in addition to expertise and education, should also be based on scientific research work, which often goes to the detriment of the aforementioned. We believe that the conditions for selection into the profession cannot be exclusive according to individual criteria, but that there should be the possibility of compensation in other necessary conditions specified in Article 17, for example:
- for paragraph 4) that if he does not have an excellent specialization success, he should have published at least "10 papers" instead of the existing "5 papers" in extenso in peer-reviewed journals (or be the first and first author in one of them from the category M21-M23).
- for article 5) that if he does not have excellent success in specialization, that he completed the integrated medical studies with an average grade of "at least nine (9)" instead of the existing "at least eight (8)" or to add here also "published at least 10 works in extenso in peer-reviewed journals."
Of course, these are only our suggestions, because the Teaching and Research Council of the Ministry of Education certainly takes a better look at the possibilities of candidates for clinical teaching. We would beg you to understand this as a well-intentioned suggestion that individual members of the academic community are not denied promotion if they are exceptional according to other criteria, and of course not diminishing the importance of the specialist exam as the most important but not exclusive criterion.