Regarding the case of Dr. Ljiljana Marković

The Network of Academic Solidarity and Engagement welcomes the decision of the Ethics Committee of the University of Belgrade, which marked an important step in the months-long struggle of our colleagues from the Faculty of Philology to normalize the situation within their institution. The state of emergency that has lasted at the Faculty of Philology for almost two years also indicates that it is necessary to establish more effective procedures within the university that would sanction abuse of position and violations of the integrity of teaching and scientific staff. 

Also, bearing in mind that academic integrity is one of the basic principles of MASE's activities, we strongly oppose the announced appointment of Dr. Ljiljana Marković to the position of advisor in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. We are in favor of defining the principle that persons who have been given the most severe sanctions in accordance with the university regulations cannot perform public functions in education and science. We believe that such a practice contradicts not only the principles of honesty, but also calls into question the respect for the principles of the European research space in which Serbia is trying to position itself.