Forum held in Nis - Scientific expertise and public policies: between authority and abuse

The forum on the topic of the relationship between scientific expertise and public policies was organized on September 15 with the intention of starting a discussion in the public sphere about the short-term and long-term consequences of the subjection of the profession to political interests and decisions. The state of emergency and the prescribed measures to protect against the Kovid-19 virus set the concept profession in the center of media and public interest. While on the one hand praises could be heard because the implemented measures were taken in consultation with science and experts, on the other hand criticisms could be heard on account of political abuse and manipulation of trust in scientific authority. And outside our country, the global pandemic has triggered an avalanche of questions about the trust we have or don't have in science. A particularly complex issue, which we want to address at this forum, is how the views and recommendations of science are translated into political measures and decisions.

The panelists were: prof. Dr. Tatjana Pejčić, pulmonologist at the Clinic for Lung Diseases in Niš and full professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Niš, Dr. Gazela Draško Pudar, director of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, and member of the Coordination Board of the Network of Academic Solidarity and Engagement (MASA), Dr. Rastislav Dinić, assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš and activist of the United Movement of Freelancers from Niš, and Dr. Nemanja Krstić (moderator), assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš and trustee of MASE for Niš. About 30 people visited the tribune, in compliance with all prescribed epidemiological safety measures (physical distance, mandatory wearing of masks, use of disinfectants).

The tribune itself was organized in two parts. In the first part of the panel, the participants discussed the contradictions in the public statements of politicians and representatives of the profession, as well as the conflicting opinions that the representatives of the profession had regarding measures to combat the corona virus. This was joined by the questions of the role of the academic and professional community in confronting the public with manipulations that came from a group of politicians and representatives of the medical profession, but also placing these models of manipulation in a wider social context (the problem of authoritarian government, clientelistic management of resources, the struggle to win the autonomy of civil institutions society, the process of deprofessionalization, the reaction of professional associations to scientifically unproven treatment methods and the like). Also, the issues of establishing responsibility for making certain decisions and their implementation in practice were also raised, as well as consideration of models that eliminate or minimize the possibility of being held accountable for implemented decisions and measures.

The second part of the forum was dedicated to talking with the audience. Some of the main views expressed by the audience are that there is a noticeable model of mistrust in institutions and singling out individuals from all areas of the profession as good examples that need to be followed, the necessity of understanding and interpreting the irresponsible and unprofessional behavior of individuals from the perspective of the social context, the characterization of the overall conflict between civil society on one side, and politics and the profession that works in the interests of politics, on the other, as revenge for bad students who came to positions of power.


Academic community united against Covid

1064 signatories and signatories on the list

Being professional also means being responsible both towards your profession and towards citizens. Changes in healthcare cannot come without committed and supportive doctors. In this way, we stand in solidarity with those who carry the burden of the epidemic on their shoulders, rightly pointing out the failures and the state of health care, and we condemn the campaign against them by the government representatives.

Mass calls on colleagues from universities and institutes in Serbia and abroad to sign a petition in support of the doctors who went public as United against Covid.

You can sign your support at the following LINK.

The list is updated daily and is listed alphabetically.

  1. Adriana Zaharijević, IFDT, senior research associate
  2. Adriana Marchetić, Professor UB
  3. Ahmad Sami, Ph.D
  4. Aleksa Radonjić, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Union University
  5. Aleksandar Baucal, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, full professor
  6. Aleksandar Dekanski, Scientific Advisor of IHTM
  7. Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, Research Associate, International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin
  8. Aleksandar Jovanovic, Docent
  9. Aleksandar Jovanović, Assistant
  10. Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Synchrotron SOLEIL, France / Beamline scientist
  11. Aleksandar Nikolić, Associate Professor
  12. Aleksandar Ostojić, Trainee Researcher, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade
  13. Aleksandar Ostojić, Associate Professor, University of Kragujevac
  14. Aleksandar Palavestra, Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  15. Aleksandar Petrović, Docent dr
  16. Aleksandar Ramadanović, Senior Associate
  17. Aleksandar Savić, Associate Professor
  18. Aleksandar Takaci, Full Professor
  19. Aleksandar Urošević, IBISS/Senior research associate
  20. Aleksandar Životić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  21. Aleksandra Anđelković, Associate Professor
  22. Aleksandra Buha Djordjevic, Docent
  23. Aleksandra Bulatović, Research Associate, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  24. Aleksandra Dapčević, Assoc. prof. TMF of the University of Belgrade
  25. Aleksandra Ilić Rajković, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, associate professor
  26. Aleksandra Joksimovic, Full Professor
  27. Aleksandra Jovanović, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law
  28. Aleksandra Jovicevic, Ed. Prof., La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
  29. Aleksandra Konic Ristic, Research Associate
  30. Aleksandra Krstić, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, docent
  31. Aleksandra Malić Sibinović, PhD student, Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade
  32. Aleksandra Markovic, Institute for the Serbian Language / research associate
  33. Aleksandra Marković, PhD student in biological sciences at Charles University in Prague
  34. Aleksandra Miric, Research Associate
  35. Aleksandra Nikolajević, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, assistant
  36. Aleksandra Nojkovic, Full Professor, Faculty of Economics in Belgrade
  37. Aleksandra Pavlovic, Teaching Assistant
  38. Aleksandra Popov Aleksandrov, IBISS, senior research associate
  39. Aleksandra Rabrenović, Research Associate, Institute of Comparative Law
  40. Aleksandra Rohalj, Professional Associate
  41. Aleksandra Samolov, Research Associate
  42. Aleksandra Sknepnek, Research Associate
  43. Aleksandra V Jovanović, Full Professor of the Faculty of Philology, BU
  44. Aleksandra Vuletić, Senior Research Associate
  45. Aleksandra Zoric, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  46. Alexey Tarasyev, Scientific Advisor, IBISS
  47. Alisa Gruden-Movsesian, INEP, BU, scientific advisor
  48. Ana Alil, IC-TMF/Research Associate
  49. Ana Altaras Dimitrijević, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  50. Ana Arsenijevic, PhD student
  51. Ana Batas, Faculty of Philology, UB, docent
  52. Ana Despotović, PhD student
  53. Ana Harvey, Doctor of Law
  54. Ana Jakovljević, Trainee Researcher
  55. Ana Janjusevic Oliveri, Associate Professor
  56. Ana Knežević Bojović, Research Associate
  57. Ana Kolarić, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
  58. Ana Kozmidis Petrović, Full Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
  59. Ana Kramar, Innovation Center of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy/research associate
  60. Ana Krivokuća, Senior Research Associate
  61. Ana Macanović, Research Associate of the Institute for the Serbian Language SANU
  62. Ana Milojevic, Docent
  63. Ana Orlic, Associate Professor
  64. Ana Parabucki, Doctor of Science
  65. Ana Poledica, Docent
  66. Ana Radojević, Docent
  67. Ana Rakin, NTP IHIS Zemun, expert advisor
  68. Ana Simonović, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - scientific advisor
  69. Ana Stefanović, Professional Associate, NLM, AUNS
  70. Anđelko Petrović, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Biology/associate professor
  71. Andrea Perunović, Research Associate, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  72. Andrej Jandrić, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  73. Andrej Jeftić, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade
  74. Andrej Korenić, Research Associate
  75. Aneta Sabovljevic, Associate Professor
  76. Anika Jugović Spajić, University of Pittsburgh
  77. Anita Klaus, Associate Professor
  78. Anita Skakić, Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, UB, Research Associate
  79. Biljana Aranđelović, assistant professor, University of Niš
  80. Biljana Božić Nedeljković, Full Professor of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
  81. Biljana Božin, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, full professor
  82. Biljana Đorđević, Faculty of Political Sciences, assistant professor
  83. Biljana Otašević, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade
  84. Biljana Potparević, University of Belgrade, full professor
  85. Biljana Rakić, Full Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  86. Biljana Ristic, Doctor of Medical Sciences
  87. Biljana Sikimić, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU
  88. Biljana Stanković, Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering / research associate
  89. Biljana Stojic, Doctor of Historical Sciences
  90. Biljana Stojković, Full Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
  91. Blagoje Paunović, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade/Full Professor
  92. Boban Arsenijević, University of Graz / full professor
  93. Bogdan Šolaja, Ed. Retired professor of HFUB, regular member of SANU
  94. Bojan Đokić, Doctor of Historical Sciences
  95. Bojan Jevtić, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković"/research associate
  96. Bojan Mitić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology/associate professor
  97. Bojan Nikolic, Assistant research professor
  98. Bojan Pajtić, Full Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad
  99. Bojan Ristivojevic, Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, UB, Trainee Researcher
  100. Bojan Spaić, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  101. Bojan Vranić, Faculty of Political Sciences - UB, associate professor
  102. Bojana Bodroža, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad / assistant professor
  103. Bojana Drljan, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation/Assistant with PhD
  104. Bojana Dzinic, Assistant
  105. Bojana Kovačević Petrović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad / docent
  106. Bojana Mićić, IBISS/research associate
  107. Bojana Mihailovic, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
  108. Bojana Obradović, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade/full professor
  109. Bojana Pucarević, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, assistant
  110. Bojana Radovanović, Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
  111. Bojana Simovic, PhD student
  112. Bojana Večkalov, University of Amsterdam/Doctoral student
  113. Bojana Višić, Research Associate
  114. Boris Begović, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  115. Boris Popov, Associate Professor // Department of Psychology, FF UNS
  116. Bosiljka Plećaš-Solarović, Full Professor (retired) of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade
  117. Boško Blagojević, Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad/docent
  118. Branimir Pavlić, Associate Professor
  119. Branimir Šešelja, retired full professor at the University of Novi Sad
  120. Branimir Stojković, Full Professor (retired), Faculty of Political Sciences
  121. Branislav Ćorić, Retired Full Professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade
  122. Branislav Jakovljević, Full Professor, Stanford University
  123. Branislava Lakušić, Professor, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy
  124. Branka Dražić, Associate Professor
  125. Branka Popović, Associate Professor
  126. Branka Tucić, Scientific Advisor
  127. Branka Vasiljević, IMGGI University in Belgrade, scientific advisor
  128. Branko Rakita, Full Professor
  129. Branko Romcevic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Security, University of Belgrade
  130. Caslav Bruckner, Professor at the University of Vienna
  131. Dalibor Petrović, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade
  132. Dalibor Stojanović, Research Associate
  133. Daliborka Purić, Associate Professor
  134. Danica Ciric, Doctor of Biomedical Sciences
  135. Danica Despotović, PhD student, Sorbonne
  136. Danica Osmajic, Psychologist
  137. Danica Pajović, Associate Professor
  138. Danica Popovic, Faculty of Economics/full professor
  139. Danijel Sinani, Full Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy
  140. Danijela Bataveljic, Research Associate
  141. Danijela Cvetković, Institute for Information Technologies, Kragujevac
  142. Danijela Luković Golić, IMSI UB, senior research associate
  143. Danijela Nikodijevic, Associate Researcher, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Kragujevac
  144. Danijela Vojnović Milutinović, Senior Research Associate
  145. Danilo Sarenac, Institute for Contemporary History/senior research associate
  146. Danilo Vuković, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  147. Danko Jeremic, Neuroscientist
  148. Darija Milenković, PhD student
  149. Darinka Gortan Premk, retired university professor
  150. Darko Dimovski, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law
  151. Darko Ivanović, Full Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade, retired
  152. Darko Kocev, Technical Faculty in Bor, docent
  153. Darko Sarvan, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, PhD assistant and research associate
  154. Deana Jovanovic, Associate Professor
  155. Dejan Želebdžić, Faculty of Philosophy, BU, assistant professor
  156. Dejan Ilić, Associate Professor
  157. Dejan Joković, Institute of Physics in Belgrade
  158. Dejan Mirčić, DUNP/ docent
  159. Dejan Pavlović, Faculty of Political Sciences, BU/docent
  160. Dejan Prvulović, Associate Professor
  161. Dejan Šabić, Full Professor
  162. Dejan Urošević, Full Professor
  163. Dijana Metlić, Assoc. professor
  164. Dinko Gruhonjić, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad/docent
  165. Divna Glumac, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade/docent
  166. Djordje Pavićević, Faculty of Political Sciences, professor
  167. Djura Karagic, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Crop and Vegetable Agriculture, Novi Sad
  168. Dmitar Tasić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. Senior research associate
  169. Dobrila Matijević, Professor
  170. Dragan Arandjelovic, retired full professor, Nis
  171. Dragan Janković, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, docent
  172. Dragan Milić, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Crop and Vegetable Agriculture
  173. Dragan Milićev, Full Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
  174. Dragan Nikšić, Research Associate
  175. Dragan Popadić, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, full professor
  176. Dragan Stanojević, University of Belgrade, docent
  177. Dragan Uskokovic, Academic Advisor and University Professor
  178. Dragana Čavlović, Research Associate
  179. Dragana Čolić Biljanovski, Ed. prof. Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade
  180. Dragana Dimitrijević, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, associate professor
  181. Dragana Dulic, Associate Professor retired, University of Belgrade
  182. Dragana Jelic, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Department of Psychology / Assistant
  183. Dragana Miličić, Faculty of Biology, UB
  184. Dragana Pavlović Breneselović, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy, full professor
  185. Dragana Varagic, full professor
  186. Dragana Vukov, Full Professor
  187. Dragica N. Krgović, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, full professor in retirement, Faculty of Agriculture Zemun
  188. Dragica Vujadinovic, Full Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  189. Dragica Tomka, Prof. Dr., full professor at the university - tourism
  190. Drago Djuric, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Full Professor
  191. Drago Indjic, Fellow, UCL
  192. Dragoljub Popović, Professor PFUU, Belgrade
  193. Dragomir Glišić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, docent
  194. Dragor Hiber, Full Professor of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, retired
  195. Dragoslava Radin, University of Belgrade/full professor
  196. Dražen Drašković, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  197. Drazen Manojlovic, Bachelor of Civil Engineering
  198. Dubravka Cvejić, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy / scientific advisor
  199. Dubravka Savić, Full Professor UB
  200. Dubravka Stojanovic, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade
  201. Dunja Miletić, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Research Associate
  202. Dušan Aleksić, Assistant
  203. Dušan Georgijević, Full professor in retirement, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade
  204. Dusan Kolarski, Doctor of Science
  205. Dušan Maljković, PhD student, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  206. Dušan Mojić, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, associate professor
  207. Dušan Perić, Faculty of Sports and Tourism, Full Professor
  208. Dušan Petrović, Theater director - ed. prof. at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade
  209. Dušan Popović, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade/docent
  210. Dušan Spasojević, Faculty of Political Sciences
  211. Dusan Stanojevic, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. retired
  212. Dušan Teodorović, Professor at the University of Belgrade, regular member of SANU
  213. Dušica Janošević, Associate Professor
  214. Dusica Todorovic, Full Professor BU
  215. Duška Blagojević, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, full professor
  216. Duška Franeta, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Legal and Business Studies, Dr. Lazar Vrkatić
  217. Duško Latas, Faculty of Physics, docent
  218. Duško Prelević, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, associate professor
  219. Đorđe Boškov, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture/assistant
  220. Đorđe Krivokapić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
  221. Đorđe Terzin, Assistant
  222. Emilija Milošević, Trainee Researcher
  223. Esther Francia, INNV, Associate Researcher
  224. Filip Bošković, Cavendish Laboratory - University of Cambridge, Winton scholar, Benefactors' scholar, Schiff research student
  225. Filip Čukljević, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  226. Filip Radovanović, retired senior research associate
  227. Galjina Ognjanov, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade/full professor
  228. Gazela Pudar Draško, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  229. Georgina Dragovic, University of Kragujevac/lecturer
  230. Gojko Subotić, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  231. Goran Brajušković, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, full professor
  232. Goran Brankovic, IMSI-UB/scientific advisor
  233. Goran Dajović, Associate Professor
  234. Goran Marković, Professor Emeritus FDU
  235. Goran Marković, Associate Professor
  236. Goran Mašanović, University of Southampton, UK / Professor
  237. Goran Nešić, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, full professor
  238. Goran Petrovic Lotina, University of Warwick, SciencesPo Paris / researcher, professor
  239. Goran Radojev, Docent
  240. Goran Ristić, Full Professor
  241. Goran Ruzic, Docent
  242. Goran Tepšić, Faculty of Political Sciences/docent
  243. Goran Tmušić, University of Novi Sad, research associate
  244. Gorčin Cvijanović, Research Associate
  245. Gordana Bakić, Assistant Professor MF BU
  246. Gordana Dragin, Prof. PhD (full professor)
  247. Gordana Jakic, Associate Professor
  248. Gordana Matić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology / Retired Full Professor
  249. Gordana Popović, Full Professor
  250. Gordana Rudić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor / associate professor
  251. Gordana Subakov Simić, Associate Professor
  252. Gordana Tomović, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology, associate professor
  253. Hajdana Glomazić, Research Associate, Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research
  254. Igor Cvejić, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  255. Igor Kostic, Research Associate
  256. Igor Sabados, Assistant
  257. Igor Stanković, Institute of Physics Belgrade, scientific adviser
  258. Igor Vidic, Researcher
  259. Igor Živanović, Research Associate, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade
  260. Ilija Stefanovic, Institute of Technical Sciences/ scientific adviser
  261. Imre Krizmanić, Doctor of Science, graduate biologist
  262. Irena Fiket, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, research associate
  263. Irena Ljubomirović, Associate Professor
  264. Irena Petrović, Assistant
  265. Irena Ristić, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade
  266. Irina Subotić, Academy of Arts, Novi Sad
  267. Isidora Stankovic, PhD student in biomedical sciences, Weill Cornell Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  268. Iva Brankovic, Assistant, Faculty of Media and Communications
  269. Iva Bundalo, PhD student FF
  270. Iva Draskic Vicanovic, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, full professor
  271. Iva Milinkovic, Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade
  272. Iva Pruner, Senior Research Associate
  273. Ivan Aleksic, Professor at the university
  274. Ivan Bugarski, Senior Scientific Associate, Archaeological Institute
  275. Ivan Lukić, Docent, FTN, University of Novi Sad
  276. Ivan Madjarević, Research assistant
  277. Ivan Milenković, PhD student
  278. Ivan Mladenović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  279. Ivan Nikolić, PhD student at BU
  280. Ivan Obradović, Full Professor of UB in retirement
  281. Ivan Ratkaj, Full Professor, University of Belgrade
  282. Ivan Stanojević, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Sciences
  283. Ivan Stevović, Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  284. Ivan Todorović, Docent
  285. Ivana Bašić, Senior Scientific Associate of EI SANU
  286. Ivana Bjelobaba, scientific adviser, IBISS
  287. Ivana Boljevic, Associate Researcher
  288. Ivana Gadjanski, Senior Research Associate
  289. Ivana Grković, Senior Scientific Associate of INN Vinča, BU
  290. Ivana Isakov, FTN, UNS, assistant-master
  291. Ivana Jakovljev, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad/assistant
  292. Ivana Jakšić, Assistant
  293. Ivana Kojčić, Ph.D. student, Universiré Côte d'Azur
  294. Ivana Kovačević, FON/associate professor
  295. Ivana Krstic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  296. Ivana Lukić, Research Associate, Faculty of Technological Metallurgy, University of Belgrade
  297. Ivana Milenković, Doctor of Biochemical Sciences
  298. Ivana Novčić, Faculty of Biology/research associate
  299. Ivana Pantelić, Research Assistant, Institute of Contemporary History
  300. Ivana Prokic, Doctor of Science
  301. Ivana Šarac, Institute for Medical Research Belgrade,
  302. Ivana Šenk, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad / docent
  303. Ivana Spasić, Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  304. Ivana Stepanovic Ilic, Docent
  305. Ivana Volić, Docent
  306. Ivo Toševski, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Scientific Advisor
  307. Janko Međedović, Senior Research Associate
  308. Janko Veselinović, Full Professor, University of Novi Sad
  309. Jasmina Jovanovic, Full Professor BU
  310. Jasmina Karić, Full Professor BU
  311. Jasmina Krpo-Ćetković, Associate Professor
  312. Jasmina Moskovljević Popović, Faculty of Philology/full professor
  313. Jasminka Hasanbegović, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  314. Jasna Saponjic, Institute for Biological Research - Sinisa Stankovic, Institute of National Importance for the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade/scientific advisor
  315. Jasna Stojanović, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade
  316. Jasna Vuković, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  317. Jelena Andjelkovic Labrovic, Docent
  318. Jelena Arsic, Associate Professor, PFUUB
  319. Jelena Ceriman, Research Associate, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
  320. Jelena Ciric, Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic/scientific associate
  321. Jelena Djoković, Full Professor, Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade
  322. Jelena Djordjevic, Full Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
  323. Jelena Djurdjevic Nikolic, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Arts in Kragujevac
  324. Jelena Grahovac, IORS/Research Associate
  325. Jelena Jerinić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Union University in Belgrade
  326. Jelena Jovic, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, senior research associate
  327. Jelena Jovicic-Petrovic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
  328. Jelena Kleut, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad
  329. Jelena Konstantinovic, Doctor of Chemical Sciences
  330. Jelena Košinaga, University of Szeged/Doctoral student
  331. Jelena Kusovac, Associate Professor
  332. Jelena Lozo, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology, associate professor
  333. Jelena Milosavljevic, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  334. Jelena Milovanovic, Research Associate
  335. Jelena Miocinovic, Associate Professor
  336. Jelena Mrgic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  337. Jelena Nedeljković Trailović, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, full professor
  338. Jelena Pavličić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  339. Jelena Pavlovic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy
  340. Jelena Pavlović, Research Associate, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research
  341. Jelena Pešić, University of Belgrade
  342. Jelena Prodanović, Associate Professor
  343. Jelena Scepanovic, PhD student, University of Chicago
  344. Jelena Stanković, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  345. Jelena Teodorović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Jagodina
  346. Jelena Trajković, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology/Assistant with PhD
  347. Jelena Urosevic, PhD
  348. Jelena Vasiljević, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  349. Jelena Vidojević, Associate Professor / Faculty of Political Sciences
  350. Jelena Vranješević, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade/Associate Professor
  351. Jelena Vukojevic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, full professor
  352. Jelisaveta Čkrkić, Research Associate, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology
  353. Jelisaveta Petrović, Faculty of Philosophy / assistant professor
  354. Jelka Crnobrnja Isailović, Full Professor at PMF Niš & Scientific Advisor at IBISS
  355. Jevrosima Stevanović, Full Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade
  356. Joana Zaksevska, Scientific Advisor
  357. Jovan Odavić, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Postdoctoral researcher
  358. Jovan Slavnić, retired full professor, University of Novi Sad
  359. Jovan Trifunović, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  360. Jovana Broćić, PhD student
  361. Jovana Jovankic, PMF KG/Trainee researcher
  362. Jovana Jovanović, Research Associate
  363. Jovana Rajkovic, Associate Researcher
  364. Jovana Skoric, Study Program Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, assistant
  365. Jovanka Pantovic, Full Professor
  366. Jovo Bakić, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  367. Jožef Božo, Professor of Vocational Studies, Zrenjanin
  368. Kadira Huseinovic, Professor of English
  369. Karla Ilić Đurđić, Assistant at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade
  370. Karolina Sunjog, Research Associate
  371. Katalin Mészáros Szécsényi, Full Professor
  372. Katarina Grujic, PhD, assistant professor
  373. Katarina Ilinčić, Professor
  374. Katarina Lončarević, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences / assistant professor
  375. Katarina Nikolić, Faculty of Pharmacy, associate professor
  376. Katarina Popović, Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy
  377. Katarina Rasulić, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade / associate professor
  378. Katarina Smiljanić, Senior Research Associate
  379. Katarina Stojanović, Docent
  380. Katarina Vukadinović, Full Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Traffic
  381. Katarina Zeljić, Associate Professor
  382. Kristina Asimi, PhD student, Charles University in Prague
  383. Kristina Spariosu, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade / researcher - intern
  384. Krsztina Rácz, University of Oslo / Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  385. Ksenija Jakovljević, Research Associate
  386. Ksenia Kolundzija, Docent
  387. Ksenija Krstic, Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade/ associate professor
  388. Ksenija Velickovic, Faculty of Biology - assistant professor
  389. Laslo Tarjan, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Nobi Sad
  390. Lea Velaja, Research Associate
  391. Lea Vlajnić, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade - assistant
  392. Lidija B. Radulović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, associate professor
  393. Lidija Miskeljin, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  394. Ljerka Jeftić, University of East Sarajevo, associate professor
  395. Ljiljana Gavrilovic, academic adviser/retired full professor
  396. Ljiljana Kostić, IMSI. Scientific associate
  397. Ljiljana lazarevic, Senior research associate
  398. Ljiljana Marković, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš/ senior lecturer
  399. Ljiljana Radulovic, Faculty of Law, retired full professor
  400. Ljiljana Stevković, Assistant, FASPER
  401. Ljiljana Tomović, Full Professor, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology
  402. Ljubica Jovanovic, National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
  403. Ljubica Nikolic, Faculty of Law, University of Nis, full professor
  404. Ljubisa Dabic, retired Professor of the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
  405. Ljubisa Vitkovic, PhD (Boiphysics), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA/Associate
  406. Ljubomir Jacić, Technical College Pozarevac/Professor
  407. Ljubomir Milanovic, Associate Professor at FMU
  408. Ljubomir Vračar, Associate Professor
  409. Luka Glušac, Research Associate, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  410. Luka Mijatović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
  411. Luka Milićević, Mathematics Institute SANU
  412. Luka Petrović, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory/ Researcher-intern
  413. Maja Antić, Docent
  414. Maja Divac, Doctor of Political Sciences
  415. Maja Gruden, UB-Faculty of Chemistry, Full Professor
  416. Maja Ivanović, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation
  417. Maja Radivojević, PhD candidate in literature, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade
  418. Maja Romčević, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Physics
  419. Maja Savić, Faculty of Philology/docent
  420. Maja Šćepanović, Scientific Advisor, Institute of Physics, Belgrade
  421. Maja Šumar, Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry
  422. Maja Todorović Izquierdo, Full Professor of the University
  423. Margita Petrovic, Professor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  424. Marija Aleksić, Research Associate
  425. Marija Babovic, full professor
  426. Marija Bežulj, Assistant
  427. Marija Cvijanović, Doctor of Science
  428. Marija Dinov Vasic, Assistant
  429. Marija Draskic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  430. Marija Džunić, Faculty of Economics, University of Niš / full professor
  431. Marija Janjic, Senior Research Associate, IBISS
  432. Marija Jeremić, Research Associate
  433. Marija Lukić, PhD Student
  434. Marija Miličić, Research Associate
  435. Marija Nefovska-Danilović, Associate Professor
  436. Marija Obradovic, researcher, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade
  437. Marija Petrovic Mihajlovic, Associate Professor
  438. Marija Radoman, Research Associate
  439. Marija Rajičić, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković"/research associate
  440. Marija Ranić, Research Associate
  441. Marija Stepanović, PhD student, IT University in Copenhagen
  442. Marija Vidosavljević, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia
  443. Marija Vidovic, Research Associate, IMGGI
  444. Marijan Bajić, University College London
  445. Marijan Jelić, Associate Professor
  446. Marijana Cvetkovic, Assistant in teaching
  447. Marijana Matović, University of Belgrade
  448. Marijana Pavlovic, Associate Researcher
  449. Marijana Petrović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Traffic, BU
  450. Marijana Ponjavić, Research Associate
  451. Marijana Vučinić, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UB, full professor
  452. Marima Radovic Jakovljevic, Associate Researcher
  453. Marina Matejević, Full Professor
  454. Marina Savić, PMF Novi Sad/docent
  455. Marina Spasojević, Research Associate
  456. Marina Stanic, Senior Research Associate, IMSI, Belgrade
  457. Marina Videnović, Faculty of Philosophy/research associate
  458. Marina Zarić, Institute for Nuclear Sciences VINCA; research associate
  459. Marjan Ivković, Research Associate, Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
  460. Marko Avramović, Research Associate, Institute of Literature and Art, Belgrade
  461. Marko Bojkić, Assistant
  462. Marko Davinic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  463. Marko Đurakić, PMF Novi Sad
  464. Marko Jankovic, Senior Scientific Associate
  465. Marko Konjović, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  466. Marko Milivojević, University of Belgrade, research associate
  467. Marko Pišev, Associate Professor
  468. Marko Simendić, Associate Professor
  469. Marko Stamenić, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade
  470. Marko Veizović, Assistant
  471. Marko Žilović, George Washington University
  472. Matilda Djukic, Full Professor
  473. Menka Petkovska, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, full professor
  474. Meysun Gharaibeh Simonovic, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, docent
  475. Mia Seshum, Associate Professor
  476. Mihailo Radinovic, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, researcher-associate
  477. Mihajlo Manić, Faculty of Diplomacy and Security in Belgrade, full professor
  478. Mila Aleckovic Nikolic, Professor Dr sci, Société Internationale de Psychopathologie de l'Expression, Paris
  479. Milan Bjelica, Full Professor, ETF Belgrade
  480. Milan Đorđević, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš
  481. Milan Đorđević, Ph.D
  482. Milan Jovanović, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, assistant
  483. Milan Krstić, Faculty of Political Sciences / Assistant
  484. Milan Lukić, Docent
  485. Milan M. Petrovic, Scientific Advisor
  486. Milan Maksimović, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
  487. Milan Petkovic, Master, Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade
  488. Milan Plećaš, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade - graduate
  489. Milan Senćanski, INN "Vinča", Senior Research Associate
  490. Milan Sovilj, Full Professor, University of Novi Sadu
  491. Milan Stančić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy / associate professor
  492. Milan Stojkovic, Associate Professor, Doctor
  493. Milan Žunić, IMSI, University of Belgrade, senior research associate
  494. Milana Čolić, Associate Professor
  495. Milanka Momčilović, Full Professor
  496. Milena Cvijanović, Senior Research Associate
  497. Milena Despotović, Faculty of Medicine in Niš / docent
  498. Milena Ilisevic, Western Sydney University, professor
  499. Milena Milošević, assistant professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
  500. Milena Milutinović, PMF, University of Kragujevac/assistant with PhD
  501. Milena Petković, Full Professor
  502. Milenko Milosevic, Full Professor
  503. Milić Milićević, Doctor of Historical Sciences
  504. Milica Budimir, INN Vinča / Associate researcher
  505. Milica Gligorović, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, full professor
  506. Milica Kekkarević Marković, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology/docent
  507. Milica Kovacevic Filipovic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, professor
  508. Milica Lukić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Trainee Researcher
  509. Milica Markovic, Ph.D./Cornell University
  510. Milica Mihajlović, Trainee Researcher
  511. Milica Milojević, Docent
  512. Milica Milutinovic, Research Associate
  513. Milica Ninković, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy; Junior Researcher
  514. Milica Pochuča-Nešić, IMSI BU/research associate
  515. Milica Popovic, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry/docent
  516. Milica Resanović, Faculty of Philosophy/ researcher trainee
  517. Milica Sekulović, Institute of Pedagogy and Andragogy, researcher-intern
  518. Milica Šelmić, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Traffic, Belgrade
  519. Milica Slijepcevic, Associate Professor
  520. Milica Tošić Radev, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš
  521. Milica Velimirović Bogosavljević, Docent MFUB
  522. Milica Vukelic, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, docent
  523. Miljan Grbovic, Docent UB
  524. Miljana Jakovljevic, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment/scientific associate
  525. Miljana Tanić, IORS, Senior Research Associate
  526. Milka Ćulić, Doctor of Medicine, scientific adviser in penz.
  527. Milka Sokolović, Head of Food & Health Science, EUFIC, Brussels
  528. Milorad Vidovic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transportation/
  529. Milos Filipovic, Center national de la recherche scientifique, dr. biochemist, Ph.D. habil. biol. chem.
  530. Miloš Ivanović, Senior Research Associate
  531. Miloš Jevtić, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, associate professor
  532. Miloš Jovanović, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš, docent
  533. Miloš Kalezic, Retired Full Professor
  534. Miloš Krstić, Professor
  535. Miloš Milčić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade
  536. Miloš Mitić, Research Associate
  537. Miloš Nenadović, Assistant Professor, Bachelor of Engineering, Arch.
  538. Milos Opacic, Associate Researcher
  539. Miloš Šobajić, Painter/ Professor Emeritus
  540. Miloš Stanisavljević, Doctor of Science, scientific researcher, IBM Research, Zurich
  541. Miloš Stojadinović, Postdoc, ETH Zurich
  542. Miloš Vukelic, Researcher-intern
  543. Milos Zatkalik, Belgrade University of Arts, Faculty of Music, full professor
  544. Milovan Stoiljković, Scientific Advisor
  545. Milovan Šuvakov, Institute of Physics in Belgrade
  546. Mina Glogovac, Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Arts
  547. Mina Petrović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, full professor
  548. Miodrag Banjesevic, Associate Professor
  549. Miodrag Đorđević, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Niš
  550. Miodrag Jovanović, Full Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  551. Miodrag Malović, research associate, IC TMF BU
  552. Miodrag Milutinov, FTN Novi Sad, docent
  553. Mioljub Nešić, Scientific Associate of the Vinča Institute
  554. Mira Bjelaković, IHTM/scientific advisor
  555. Mirjana Beara, State University in Novi Pazar, docent
  556. Mirjana Jevtic, retired Doctor of Economic Sciences
  557. Mirjana Medenica, Full Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade, retired
  558. Mirjana Novkovic, IMGGI/research associate
  559. Mirjana Pavlović, retired Scientific Advisor
  560. Mirjana Petrović, Research Associate
  561. Mirjana Popović, BU/full professor and scientific advisor
  562. Mirjana Ruml, Faculty of Agriculture/full professor
  563. Mirjana Stošić, Faculty of Media and Communications/docent
  564. Mirjana Vukićević, University of Belgrade, professor
  565. Mirko Filipović, Ed. professor, FASPER, University of Belgrade
  566. Miroljub Barać, Full Professor
  567. Miron Sopić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
  568. Mirosava Đurišić-Bojanović, full professor (retired) Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  569. Miroslav Andrić, Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade, associate professor
  570. Miroslav Gavrilov, UCSB, PhD Researcher
  571. Miroslav Jovanović, Full Professor
  572. Miroslav Konstantinovic, retired scientific advisor
  573. Miroslav Lazić, Full Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Niš
  574. Miroslav Macura, IDESO, Université de Gèneve, Geneva
  575. Miroslav Pajic, Duke University
  576. Miroslav Živić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology, associate professor
  577. Mladen Vujošević, Scientific Advisor
  578. Momir Samardžić, Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad
  579. Monika Milosavljević, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, UB
  580. Nada Ćosić, Research Associate
  581. Nada Dragovic, Full Professor
  582. Nada Korać, retired university professor
  583. Nada Sekulic, Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  584. Nadežda Gavrilović, Senior Research Associate, Archaeological Institute
  585. Natalija Dimić, Research Associate
  586. Natalija Krstić, IHTM/scientific saint
  587. Natalija Mićunović, Research Associate, Institute of Social Sciences
  588. Natalija Perišić, full professor
  589. Natasa Adzic, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna/postdoc
  590. Nataša Buha, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Docent
  591. Natasa Loncarevic, MD, MSc, PhD student
  592. Natasa Milic, Doctor of Science
  593. Nataša Milosevic, FPN PhD student, University of Belgrade
  594. Nataša Petrović, University of Belgrade/professor
  595. Nataša Simić, Research Associate
  596. Nataša Tučev, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš
  597. Nebojša Jovanović, University Professor
  598. Nebojša Vladisavljević, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, full professor
  599. Nemanja Aksic, PhD student in Singapore
  600. Nemanja Krstić, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš/Docent
  601. Nemanja Martinović, Mathematics Institute SANU, research associate
  602. Nemanja Rajčević, Associate Professor, Faculty of Biology
  603. Nemanja Zvijer, Faculty of Philosophy/docent
  604. Nenad Filipović, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Research Associate
  605. Nenad M. Kostić, retired professor of American universities and head of the department
  606. Nenad Tomović, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade/ Associate Professor
  607. Neven Isailović, Institute of History, research associate
  608. Nevena Arandjelović, Assistant at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade
  609. Nevena Ceković, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
  610. Nevena Grdovic, Senior Research Associate
  611. Nevena Ječmenica, Assistant
  612. Nevena Mitranić, Assistant, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  613. Nevena Vidovic, Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade / scientific associate
  614. Nevena Vidovic, Institute for Medical Research/research associate
  615. Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic, Full Professor, PFUUB, retired
  616. Nevenka Djeric, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology/full professor
  617. Nevenka Rajić, Full Professor
  618. Nevenka Žegarac, Full Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade
  619. Nikola Beljinac, Associate Professor, Faculty of Political Sciences
  620. Nikola Bjelic, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš
  621. Nikola Cvetanović, University of Belgrade/Associate Professor
  622. Nikola Grujic, PhD student, ETH Zurich
  623. Nikola Jocić, Research Associate
  624. Nikola Kotur, Research Associate, Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade
  625. Nikola Mijatov, Research Associate
  626. Nikola Petrović, Assistant at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences
  627. Nikola Stojadinović, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Traffic in Belgrade
  628. Nikola Tasić, IMSI, UB/research associate
  629. Nikola Vujčić, Associate Professor, FILUM, Kragujevac
  630. Nina Kulenovic, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade
  631. Nina Stojanović, Professor of English Language and Literature
  632. Olga Nikolić, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory
  633. Olgica Djurkovic-Djakovic, Institute for Medical Research UB, scientific advisor
  634. Olgica Zaric, Faculty of Medicine in Vienna, scientific associate
  635. Oliver Stojković, Faculty of Medicine UB/
  636. Oliver Toskovic, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade/docent
  637. Olivera Batajić Sretenović, Docent
  638. Olivera Milosevic, Scientific Adviser
  639. Olivera Rančić, MA research associate, University of Bamberg, Germany
  640. Olja Jovanović Milanović, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  641. Pavle Milosevic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
  642. Pavle Stojković, Faculty of Engineering in Bor, master mining engineer
  643. Petar Đukić, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, full professor
  644. Petar Gogić, Ed. prof. retired
  645. Predrag Jovanovic, PhD student
  646. Predrag Milidrag, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Social Sciences
  647. Predrag Osmokrovic, Retired Full Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
  648. Predrag Puđa, Full Professor
  649. Predrag Simonović, Faculty of Biology and Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanoković", full professor and senior advisor
  650. Predrag Stojanović, Full Professor of the University
  651. Predrag Tadić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, docent
  652. Rada Petrović, Full Professor
  653. Rada Stijović, Scientific Advisor
  654. Radivoje Petrovic, Faculty of Sports, Unipn Nikola Tesla University Belgrade, associate professor
  655. Radmila Jančić Heinemann, Faculty of Metallurgy Technology/Prof.Dr
  656. Radmila Jovanovic Kozlowski, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade
  657. Radmila Resanović, Full Professor
  658. Radmilo Pešić, Ed. prof. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture
  659. Radojica Bojanović, Retired Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  660. Rados Keravica, PhD researcher at the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds
  661. Radoslav Pavlovic, The Ohio State University/PhD Candidate, Graduate Research Assistant
  662. Ranka Gajic, Docent
  663. Ranka Gašić, Scientific Advisor
  664. Ranko Bugarski, Full professor in retirement, Faculty of Philology in Belgrade
  665. Ranko Dragović, PMF Niš, full professor
  666. Rastko Lompar, Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU/ researcher trainee
  667. Relja Radović, Doctor of Legal Sciences
  668. Rodoljub Kubat, Full Professor PBF BU
  669. Romana Vujasinović, Professional Associate of the Department of Editing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts
  670. Ruzica Nikolic, Doctor of Physical Chemistry, retired scientific advisor
  671. Sabina Kovač, Research Associate of the RGF University in Belgrade
  672. Sanda Stankovic, Research Associate
  673. Sandra Winzer, Doctor of Biological Sciences
  674. Sanja Batić Očovaj, Assistant with PhD
  675. Sanja Copic, Senior Research Associate
  676. Sanja Gligić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  677. Sanja Grgurić-Šipka, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, full professor
  678. Sanja Ignjatović, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš
  679. Sanja Manitašević Jovanović, Senior Research Associate
  680. Sanja Manojlovic, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade
  681. Sanja Maricic Mesarovic, Docent
  682. Sanja Mitić, Associate Professor
  683. Sanja Petrović Todosijević, Institute for Recent History of Serbia
  684. Sanja Šovran, Associate Professor / Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
  685. Sanja Vojvodic, Researcher-trainee, FPN
  686. Saša Brajović, full professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  687. Savo Manojlovic, Associate Researcher
  688. Selma Kanazir, retired Scientific Advisor
  689. Senka Kostić, University of Pristina with temporary headquarters in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology assistant
  690. Sergej Matsura, Faculty of Philology UB, docent
  691. Slavica Dmitrović, senior research associate
  692. Slavica Grujic, Faculty of Biology, assistant professor
  693. Slavica Spasić, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
  694. Slavko Simic, Scientific Advisor
  695. Slavoljub Jovanovic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade
  696. Slobodan Cvejic, University of Belgrade, full professor
  697. Slobodan Davidovic, Research Associate
  698. Slobodan G. Jovanović, Associate Professor of the University of Niš, retired
  699. Slobodan Jovanović, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, full professor
  700. Slobodan Markovic, Full Professor FPN, BU
  701. Slobodan Markovic, University of Moscow
  702. Slobodan Marković, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, full professor
  703. Slobodan Miladinović, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. professor
  704. Slobodan Prvanović, Institute of Physics, scientific adviser
  705. Slobodan Radojkovic, Ph.D. professor
  706. Slobodan Radosevic, Associate Professor, PMF Novi Sad
  707. Slobodan Vrhovac, Scientific Adviser, Institute of Physics, Belgrade
  708. Smilja Teodorovic, Criminal and Police University/Associate Professor
  709. Smiljana Jošić, Research Associate
  710. Smiljana Milinkov, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad/docent
  711. Smiljana Stefanovic, Doctoral student, Royal college of surgeons, Dublin, Ireland
  712. Smiljka Tomanović, Full Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  713. Snežana Božić, Docent
  714. Snezana Gojkovic, Full Professor, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
  715. Snežana Milićev, Associate Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - University of Belgrade
  716. Snezana Nenadović, Institute for Nuclear Sciences "Vinča" / senior research associate
  717. Snezana Popov, Research Associate, University of Novi Sad
  718. Snezana Vučković, Faculty of Philology
  719. Snjezana Milivojevic, University of Belgrade, full professor
  720. Sofija Jovanović Stojanov, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković"/research associate
  721. Sonja Bozic, The New School, Professor
  722. Sonja Cvetković, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts Niš
  723. Sonja Protić, Research Associate of the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research
  724. Sonja Šljivić, Professor of Literature
  725. Sonja Šuvakov, Faculty of Medicine Belgrade/docent
  726. Sonja Žakula, Ethnographic Institute SANU – research associate
  727. Srđan Bošnjak, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, full professor
  728. Srđan Atanasovski, Institute of Musicology SANU, research associate
  729. Srđan Marinković, University of Niš/Full Professor
  730. Srđan Nikolovski, Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade - Research Associate
  731. Srdjan Pejanovic, Associate Professor prof. TMF retired
  732. Srdjan Rakic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Arts, Novi Sad
  733. Stanislava Barać, Research Associate at the Institute for Literature and Art
  734. Stanislava Gorjanovic, Institute of General and Physical Chemistry/scientific advisor
  735. Stanislava Stanojevic, Academic Advisor
  736. Staša Babić, Faculty of Philosophy, BU, full professor
  737. Stefan Djokovic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  738. Stefan Mihajlović, Alfred Renyi Institute for Mathematics
  739. Stefan Vukmanović, Assistant, Faculty of Technology, Novi Sad
  740. Stepan Stepanovic, Associate Researcher
  741. Suzana Blesic, Institute for Medical Research, UB, research associate
  742. Suzana Dimitrijević-Branković, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, full professor
  743. Suzana Ignjatovic, Senior Scientific Associate, IDN
  744. Svetislav Kostić, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  745. Svetlana Gavrilov, Scientist
  746. Svetlana Jović, State University of New York/Assistant Professor
  747. Svetlana Popović, Associate Professor, TFNS
  748. Svetlana Stojic, Docent
  749. Svetlana Tomin, Ed. prof.
  750. Svetlana Trifunovic, Senior Research Associate
  751. Svetozar Saša Kovačević, Composer, Full Professor AUNS in retirement
  752. Tamara Dzamonja, Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Political Sciences
  753. Tamara Klikovac, Associate Professor
  754. Tamara Koledin, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, associate professor
  755. Tamara Milenković Kerković, Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš
  756. Tamara Nikolic, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  757. Tamara Pavlović, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade/ researcher trainee
  758. Tanasije Marinkovic, Full Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
  759. Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic, University of Belgrade/Professor
  760. Tanja Jevđović, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade/ docent
  761. Tanja Rakić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
  762. Tanja Vučić, Research Associate
  763. Tatjana Grbić, University of Novi Sad/full professor
  764. Tatjana Kopp, IHTM, research associate
  765. Tatjana Lazović, Full Professor at the University of Belgrade
  766. Tatjana Paunović, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš
  767. Tatjana Šoštarić, ITNMS / research associate
  768. Tatjana Srdić-Rajić, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia/scientific advisor
  769. Tatjana Starodubcev, Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, full professor
  770. Tatjana Stefanovic, Professor
  771. Tatjana Volkov Husovic, Full Professor, Faculty of Metallurgy Technology
  772. Teodora Djikic, Research Associate, Faculty of Pharmacy
  773. Teodora Todorić Milićević, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
  774. Tijana Cvetić Antić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
  775. Tijana Karić, Research Associate
  776. Tijana Obradovic, Associate Professor
  777. Tijana Radenković, Institute of Physics Belgrade/ researcher trainee
  778. Tijana Rečević, Researcher-trainee
  779. Tijana Vučić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology/research associate
  780. Miloš Todorović, retired Full Professor of the University of Novi Sad
  781. Tomica Mišljenović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology/assistant
  782. Uroš Lačnjevac, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade
  783. Uroš Radenković, Assistant, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
  784. Uroš Savković, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković", University of Belgrade
  785. Valentina Marinković, Associate Professor
  786. Vanja Subotić, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, researcher
  787. Vaso Manojlovic, TMF/Docent
  788. Veljko Đurić, Full Professor
  789. Veljko Jovanović, University of Novi Sad, associate professor
  790. Veljko Petrović, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade/assistant
  791. Vera Backović, Faculty of Philosophy - University of Belgrade
  792. Vera Nikolic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology/associate professor
  793. Vera Raicevic, Full Professor
  794. Vera Spasenovic, Faculty of Philosophy / full professor
  795. Vera Tucovic, Dr. vet med
  796. Vera Vasiljević, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  797. Vesna Cakeljić, Faculty of Organizational Sciences / full professor
  798. Vesna Ćorić, Research Associate
  799. Vesna Gojković, Associate Professor
  800. Vesna Maksimović, retired Scientific Advisor
  801. Vesna Milankov, Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, UNS
  802. Vesna Petovic, Professor PFUUB, retired
  803. Vesna Ribić, UB – Research Associate
  804. Vesna Stankov Jovanović, Full Professor
  805. Vesna Trifunović, Research Associate
  806. Vesna Vučinić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, associate professor
  807. Vida Jojić, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - Institute of National Importance for the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade / senior research associate
  808. Violeta Beširević, PFUUB/CEU Full professor
  809. Violeta Orlovic Lovren, University of Belgrade/associate professor
  810. Violeta Slavkovska, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy, associate professor
  811. Vitomir Jovanović, Doctor of Psychological Sciences
  812. Vladan Čokić, Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade
  813. Vladan Đorđević, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  814. Vladan Jovanović, Senior Research Associate
  815. Vladan Jovanović, Doctor of Philological Sciences, senior research associate
  816. Vladan Jovanović, Teaching Assistant, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade
  817. Vladan Perišić, Full Professor at the University of Belgrade
  818. Vladana Hamović, Scientific Advisor
  819. Vladimir Adamović, Institute for the Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Materials (ITNMS)/scientific associate
  820. Vladimir Blagojević, Research Associate
  821. Vladimir Buljak, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade
  822. Vladimir Despotović, University of Luxembourg
  823. Vladimir Jovanović, IMSI
  824. Vladimir Mihajlović, Faculty of Philosophy, UNS, docent
  825. Vladimir Nedić, Academy of Vocational Studies Šumadija
  826. Vladimir Nešić, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, ex. professor
  827. Vladimir Zakić, Associate Professor
  828. Vladimir Žikić, Full Professor
  829. Vojin Nedeljković, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  830. Vojin Rakić, Full Professor
  831. Vojin Šenk, Red. prof. FTN, Novi Sad
  832. Vukica Vujic, Research Associate
  833. Zagorka Tamas, retired Full Professor of the University of Novi Sad
  834. Zora Dajić Stevanović, Full Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
  835. Zoran Božanić, University of Arts in Belgrade, FMU, associate professor
  836. Zoran Dimić, Lola Institute doo/research associate
  837. Zoran Lutovac, Senior Research Associate
  838. Zoran Mijatović, Ed. Prof. Pmf New now
  839. Zoran Pavlović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  840. Zoran Radovanović, retired Professor of the Faculty of Medicine
  841. Zoran Radovic, Academician of SANU
  842. Zoran Ristivojevic, CNRS scientific researcher
  843. Zoran Stevanović, Full Professor
  844. Zoran Trifković, Full Professor
  845. Zorana Krsmanović, Docent
  846. Zorana Todorović, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences
  847. Zorica Marinković Stanojević, IMSI UB/scientific advisor
  848. Zorica Petrović, INN Vinca/ research associate
  849. Zorica Radulovic, Full Professor
  850. Zorka Dulić, University of Belgrade, full professor
  851. Zvezdana Popovic, Research Associate
  852. Zvonimir Tot, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
  853. Zvonko Rakarić, Associate Professor
  854. Željka Brkić, INN Vinča
  855. Željko Čupić, IHTM/scientific advisor
  856. Željko Marković, University of Novi Sad / associate professor
  857. Željko Mojsilović, Doctor of Science
  858. Željko Radulović, Assistant Professor, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, USA
  859. Živan Lazović, Full Professor, University of Belgrade
  860. Živka Krnjaja, Full Professor, University of Belgrade
  861. Živko Ćurčić, Institute of Agriculture and Vegetables, Research Associate
  862. Živko Jovanović, Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Biology, UB


  1. Aleksandar Todorović, Graduated in Law
  2. Aleksandra Parojčić, MSc in medical psychology, neuropsychologist
  3. Aleksandra Pavlović, Bachelor of Civil Engineering
  4. Aleksandra Sekulić, Professor of South Slavic literature and Serbo-Croatian language
  5. Aleksandra Stojkovic, Graduated Mechanical Engineer
  6. Alma Hamzagic, Master of Engineering in Organizational Sciences
  7. Ana Aničić Bjelić, Graduate Sociologist
  8. Ana Dalli, Master Audiologist
  9. Ana Gavrilovic, Archaeologist
  10. Ana Klem Aksentijević, Master of Arts Violist
  11. Ana Ristic, Graduated Economist
  12. Ana Vitorović, Graduated in Economics
  13. Anita Grudić, MD
  14. Antonije Josifović, Student
  15. Biljana Erić Azdejković, Architect
  16. Biljana Popadic, Clinical Psychologist
  17. Boban Suljić, Graduated Traffic Engineer
  18. Bojan Borisavljevic, Graduated in Economics
  19. Bojana Rankovic, Graphic artist
  20. Borislav Antonijević, specialist gynecologist and obstetrician
  21. Branislav Svorcan, Master of Economic Sciences
  22. Branka Mihajlovic, retired journalist
  23. Brankica Nakic, Bachelor of Laws
  24. Cedomir Jelic, master chemist
  25. Dajana Josipović, Graduated Serbian philologist
  26. Damir Tomic, Drilling Supervisor
  27. Danijela Miletic Miladinovic, Clinical Psychologist, Specialist in Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology
  28. Danijela Vesić, Graduated in Economics
  29. Darko Petković, Graduated restaurateur
  30. David D Pokrajac, Boeing/Manager for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  31. Davor Lazic, Graduated Economist
  32. Dejan Ilić, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  33. Dejan Rakic, B.Sc. Eng. electrical engineering
  34. Dijana Đurić, Master of Geography
  35. Dimitrije Radojević, Software Engineer
  36. Donata Ginzberg, Dentist
  37. Đorđe Trajković, Student IAS Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Niš
  38. Dragan Miletić, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
  39. Dragan Stajic, Pharmacy student
  40. Dragana Miletić, PR and journalist
  41. Dragana Parežanin-Nešić, specialist in medical biochemistry, retired
  42. Dragana Popović, Architect
  43. Dragana Velickovic, Director of Human Resources/ Bachelor of Laws
  44. Dragana Vukadinovic, Dipl. Eng. industrial management
  45. Dragina Mitrović, Psychologist
  46. Dragomir Olujić Oluja, Political scientist
  47. Dubravka Franic-Mihajlovic, Master of Biological Sciences
  48. Dubravka Franic-Mihajlovic, MSci., Master of Biological Sciences - Diaspora
  49. Dušan Andrijašević, Librarian
  50. Dušan Petković, Professor of Informatics
  51. Dušanka Stepanović Jovanović, Dipl. lawyer
  52. Dusica Utrzan, Educator and health care assistant
  53. Edis Đerlek, Master of Philology
  54. Ema Štefanac, graduate professor of the Italian language
  55. Gordana Perišić, Professor of English
  56. Gordana Radovanović, Graduated in Economics
  57. Gordana Tosic, Psychologist
  58. Igor Ginzberg, Ms. Diploma
  59. Ilija Jovicic, graduate meteorologist
  60. Ilya Kholodkov, Musician
  61. Irena Grbic, English
  62. Ivana Cvetković, Professional associate-pedagogue
  63. Ivana Dunić, Graduated Engineer of Technology
  64. Ivana Ilic, Teacher
  65. Ivana Jovanović, Graduated Physicochemist
  66. Ivana Nemet, Professor of English
  67. Ivana Šošić, Specialist in general medicine
  68. Ivana Tomić, Graduated Engineer of Technology
  69. Ivana Vuleta, Psychologist
  70. Jadranka Čičković, Dipl. oec
  71. Jasmina Nikolić, Economist
  72. Jasna Vasic, Professor of classroom teaching
  73. Jelena Dugandžija, Psychologist
  74. Jelena Gajic, Master of Sociology and Social Anthropology
  75. Jelena Glisic, Political scientist
  76. Jelena Gotovcevic, Teacher
  77. Jelena Gusić, music specialist, horn player
  78. Jelena Milenkovic, Graduated Traffic Engineer
  79. Jelena Milosavljević, Graduated Engineer of Industrial Management
  80. Jelena Mrdaković Popić, Senior Adviser, PhD, DSA, Norway
  81. Jelena Peulić, B.Sc. Pedagogue
  82. Jelena Tojagić, B.Sc. Eng. for management
  83. Jelena Zeleskov Doric, Principal Psychologist and Psychotherapist, "Dr Jelena Zeleskov Doric" Private Psychological Practice, Sydney, Australia
  84. Jelica Jovanović, Architect
  85. Jelica Maric, Graduated social worker
  86. Jelica Stošić, Professor of Philosophy
  87. Jovana Jovanovic, Graduated philologist of literature and Serbian language
  88. Jovana Vitas, Art Historian
  89. Jovanka Mazalica, Master of Music
  90. Katarina Milosevic, graduate conductor
  91. Marija Kovacevic, violinist
  92. Kristina T., Defectologist
  93. Lana Kosanović, Student
  94. Ljiljana Dostanić-Nikolić, Dipl. defectologist- speech therapist
  95. Ljiljana Matic,
  96. Ljiljana Mitrović, retired teacher
  97. Ljiljana Trajkovic, Retired Head of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
  98. Luna Milatovic, Master of Environmental Protection
  99. Maja Ćatić, Political Scientist
  100. Maja Ottenheimer, Psychologist
  101. Maja Pavlovic, Economist
  102. Marija Kovandžić, Student
  103. Marija Popović, Graduate Pharmacist, specialist in pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical legislation
  104. Marija Stanojcic Sraka, Ruma
  105. Marina Armuš, Graphic Designer
  106. Marina Cvetkovic, Specialist in general medicine
  107. Marina Piacentini, Fashion Designer / Costume Designer
  108. Marina Tomić, Graduate Sociologist
  109. Marko Drasler, Graduate Biologist
  110. Marko Mandić, Student
  111. Marko Markovic, Master
  112. Marko Milosavljevic, Electrical and Computer Engineer
  113. Marko Radulović, Professor of Literature and Serbian Language
  114. Marko Toskic,
  115. Mihailo Kecenovic, Industrial designer, RND TEHNOPLAST doo
  116. Milan Jovanovic, Graduated in Electrical Engineering
  117. Milan Malenčić, Graduated in Agricultural Engineering
  118. Milan Petkovic, Master of Geography
  119. Milan Počuča, Dipl. social worker
  120. Milana Vasiljev, Pharmaceutical technician
  121. Milena Milutinovic, Student
  122. Milena Nikolin, graduate teacher
  123. Milena Tesla, Dentist
  124. Milenkovic Slobodan, Graduated Forestry Engineer
  125. Milica Stojanovic, Teacher, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
  126. Miljana Stojanovic, Graduated Psychologist
  127. Milorad Popović, Graduated electrical engineer
  128. Miloš Antić, Graduated special pedagogue
  129. Miloš Erić, Bachelor of Civil Engineering
  130. Milos Karanovic, Master psychologist
  131. Miloš Pešić, Master Chemist
  132. Milos Stoiljkovic, B.Sc. Ing. Electrical engineering
  133. Miodrag Aleksic, First Aid Trainer Instructor
  134. Mira Cocić, Geologist
  135. Mirjana Cvjetićanin, Electrical Engineer
  136. Mirjana Milosavljevic, Graduated psychologist
  137. Miroslav Djordjevic, Diploma in Chemistry
  138. Nada Marjanović, Psychotherapist and psychologist
  139. Nadja Stefanovski, Doctor
  140. Nataša Medić, Psychologist
  141. Natasa Milicevic, Doctor specializing in neurology
  142. Nataša Milojević, Psychologist
  143. Natasa Popović, Consultant
  144. Natasa Rakic, Internal affairs lawyer
  145. Nenad Stojanović, Dentist
  146. Nevena Radisavljević, Professional doctor
  147. Nikola Misic, Graduate student in Engineering
  148. Nikola Spasić, Graduated Mechanical Engineer
  149. Nina Umićević, Spec. of medical psychology
  150. Olga Vujkov, retired Bachelor of Laws
  151. Olga Badnjar, Dentist
  152. Oliver Stojkovic, Graduated Economist
  153. Olivera Djordjevic
  154. Olivera Todorovic, Spec. of medical psychology
  155. Olivera Vojvodic
  156. Olivera Zavišić Ilić, Dipl. Ing. Arch. Urban planner, LEED AP
  157. Nevena Petrović, Student
  158. Pavle Pavlović, Graduated in Law
  159. Pero Hamović, Diploma in Economics
  160. Petar Veselinović, Graduated Engineer of Technology
  161. Predrag Žegarac, Dip. Ing. Architecture
  162. Rada Mitrovic, graduate in sociology
  163. Radmila Vuckovic, Professional Nurse
  164. Radmila Vulic Bojovic, Psychologist, psychotherapist
  165. Radosav Lazić, Master of Security Sciences
  166. Sanja Antic, Graduated in Law
  167. Sanja Pavlovic Mijailovic, Graduated sociologist
  168. Sergej Vukelic, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Computing
  169. Slađana Đorđević, Graduate Pharmacist
  170. Slađana Staničić, electrical automation technician
  171. Slavica Živković, Operator
  172. Slobodan Bugarski, Master Chemist, University of Belgrade
  173. Slobodan Dragaš, graduated musician
  174. Smiljana Stefanovic, Master engineer of polymer materials
  175. Snezana Bogos Milosavljevic, Graduated philologist of the Hungarian language and literature
  176. Snežana Radosavljević, Graduated psychologist
  177. Sreten Kuculović, Graduated Economist
  178. Stanislava Gledic, Specialist in Pediatrics
  179. Stefan Mitrović Jokanović, psychotherapist and psychologist
  180. Stefan Orlović, Graduated in Mechanical Engineering
  181. Stevan Trajković, Master of Pharmacy
  182. Suzana Miletic, Teacher - physiotherapist
  183. Svetlana Cvejic, Molecular Biologist
  184. Svetlana Stevanović, Dipl.ecc
  185. Tamara Jevtic, Professor of Russian language and literature
  186. Tamara Karan Žnidaršič, Biologist
  187. Vedrana Tanović, Producer
  188. Tatjana Cvetkovic, Psychologist
  189. Teodora Gojković, Student
  190. Valentina Vukojicic – Stefanovic, Master pedagogue
  191. Verica Lela Ilić, Prim. MD epidemiologist, Ph.D
  192. Veroljub Bojičić, graduate historian
  193. Vesna Pavlovic, Master teacher
  194. Vladan Andrić, Graduate Engineer of Geodesy
  195. Vladan Slavković, Academic painter
  196. Vladislava Ivkovic Petrovic, Prof. Serbian language and literature
  197. Vlastimir Stamenković, Psychologist
  198. Zora Jorgacević, Pediatrician
  199. Zoran Aleksic, Dipl.eng.arch.
  200. Zoran Filipović, Graduated Mechanical Engineer
  201. Zoran Stoševski, Spec. the waist. Eng. MBA
  202. Zorana Grković, Graduated in Economics
Academic MASS

Support to my colleague Biljana Aranđelović from the Faculty of Architecture in Niš

MASA supports her colleague Biljana Aranđelović from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš in her efforts to be elected to a higher position, as she has been meeting the legal requirements for such an election since 2014. She has been employed at the Faculty since 2009. as an assistant professor in the courses Art and Architecture, Contemporary Architecture and Architecture of Serbia of the 20th Century, which belong to the field of social and humanistic sciences.

Even though before 2014, she fulfilled the legal requirements for being elected to the title of associate professor - published a monograph for an influential international publishing house (Springer International Publishing) and works in the most prestigious world magazines in the field of history of architecture and art - she was again elected as an assistant professor. Five years after that, she also met the requirements for a full professor, and yet in 2019, she was chosen as an assistant professor for the third time.

In the official announcement of the decision-making body at the University of Nis, it is stated that colleague Aranđelović cannot advance in her career, because she does not have works on the SCI list, which includes scientific journals from natural and technical-technological sciences. Why is candidate Aranđelović required to submit articles from technical and technological sciences journals when she has been teaching subjects in the field of social and humanities for ten years, and she applied for a competition in the narrower scientific field of history of architecture and art, which belongs to the social and humanities? This interpretation of the conditions of the competition led to the discrimination of the candidate, for whom the university bodies set conditions that she could not fulfill. Unfortunately, it also led to the degradation of the professional reputation of colleague Aranđelović. The prohibition of discrimination during career advancement is an integral part of the Code of Professional Ethics of the University of Niš. We hope that this misunderstanding will be resolved quickly and that colleague Aranđelović will advance to a university title that faithfully maintains her academic qualities.

Mass Coordinating Committee

Belgrade, 23.12.2019.

Academic MASS

MASA demands the dismissal of Zukorlić

It is worrying with how much vindictiveness, contempt and anger was spoken in the National Assembly of Serbia these days about one of the most important and respected scientific and educational institutions of our society and their representatives. Instead of the highest legislative body in the Republic of Serbia debating the dismissal of one of the representatives of the executive power, whom the University of Belgrade recently condemned for plagiarizing his doctoral thesis and initiated the procedure for its annulment, we are witnessing that for the umpteenth time the culprits are declared victims and that an important and sensitive process is turning into a farce. One gets the impression that individual MPs are behaving like angry fans at a football match who, enraged because the referee sent off one of their players, would now prefer to rush onto the field and take justice into their own hands.

It is particularly worrying that the president of the Parliamentary Committee for Education, Science, Technological Development and Information Society participates in this, who called the decision of the Committee for Professional Ethics of the University of Belgrade a "rebellious action at the University" and called on the parliamentary majority to deal with the University with the words "or they will you or you will them". As this is not about a football match or angry fans, but about the most important institutions of this society, we demand from the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia to condemn the statements of certain members of parliament and, due to the threats made against the University of Belgrade, to initiate the emergency procedure for the dismissal of Muamer Zukorlić from the position of chairman of the parliamentary committee for education.

Otherwise, we will be forced to inform the representatives of all relevant international organizations about the open threats and intimidation to which academic institutions and their employees in Serbia are increasingly exposed and invite colleagues and other interested parties to join our request. We remind you that the highest institutions of government must be the guarantor of the university's autonomy, and not instruments for controlling and disciplining the university and its employees.

Academic MASS

MPNTR's response regarding the open letter from Masa

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development sent a response to open letter from Mass on the occasion of the "Third call for talented young researchers - students of doctoral academic studies for inclusion in scientific research work in accredited scientific research organizations".

You can download the answer at the following LINK.

The Network of Academic Solidarity and Engagement requested the reformulation of two conditions of this call:

1. That the right to submit an application belongs to young researchers who are enrolled in the first year of doctoral academic studies for the academic year 2019/2020;
2. That he is at most 30 years old or that he was born in 1989 or earlier.

Thus, young researchers who are full-time doctoral students or who have defended their doctorate within the last seven years, in accordance with good European practices, have the right to submit an application.

Academic MASS

Open letter on the occasion of the Third Call for Young Researchers

On the occasion of the "Third call for talented young researchers - students of doctoral academic studies for involvement in scientific research work in accredited scientific research organizations (hereinafter referred to as NIO)", published on November 6, 2019, the Network of Academic Solidarity and Engagement requests the reformulation of two conditions of this call:

1. That the right to submit an application belongs to young researchers who are enrolled in the first year of doctoral academic studies for the academic year 2019/2020;
2. That he is at most 30 years old or that he was born in 1989 or earlier.

Thus, young researchers who are full-time doctoral students or who have defended their doctorate within the last seven years, in accordance with good European practices, have the right to submit an application.

The criteria for determining the scope of this term should not include age, as this is contrary to anti-discrimination laws, but the level of education and academic career development. We draw attention to the fact that there are no obstacles in the current Law on Science and Research to define the term "young researcher" in such a non-discriminatory manner. The ranking of the candidates should then reflect the achievements not only based on the grade from the studies, but also other relevant outcomes of scientific research work (published works, presentations at conferences, participation in scientific projects).

You can find it in the attachment LETTER of Mass with explanation addressed to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.